Invitation to participate: Community of Practice on “Climate Change in the African Forestry and Wildlife Sectors” I 9th - 27th September 2024, via Howspace

The African Forest Forum (AFF) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s Regional office for Africa, is organizing a three-week Community of Practice (CoP) on “Climate Change in African Forestry and Wildlife Sectors”.


The CoP will be held from9 - 27 September 2024, from 12:00 noon - 3.00 pm Nairobi time/ 9:00 am -12.00 noon GMT., via Howspace – a virtual ‘African Forestry Community’ platform – for knowledge sharing and learning.


The objectives of this CoP are two-fold:

  • Offer an opportunity and platform for stakeholders to share knowledge, experiences and best practices on how to address climate change in forestry and wildlife sectors, encompassing practices, innovation and/technologies, policy and institutional frameworks, mobilization of financial resources, among others.
  • Based on the challenges and opportunities, identify and recommend key actionable areas for consideration by AFWC members and FAO in the next session (25th) of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC).


The CoP will bring together stakeholders in the forestry and wildlife sectors, from government forest/wildlife administrations, non-governmental organizations, research, academia, private sector, media as well as youth and women-based organizations from across the globe. The CoP particularly targets the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC)’s working group members.

AFF and FAO wish to extend this invitation to you to participate in the CoP on “Climate Change in African Forestry and Wildlife Sectors.”


  • Begin by clicking on the following link or pasting it in your browser...
  • Click on your personal login link that will be shared with you via e-mail and register your user profile
  • You can access the live chat and webinar discussion by clicking on the respective images within section titled 'Programme Schedule.'


For more information, download the concept note and the preliminary programme for the CoP or visit...

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