invitation to a UNDP online event on “ How to advance the climate agenda in fragile contexts ? Answers from the Central African region”

The event will put a spotlight on how to promote the climate and environment agendas in West and Central Africa region, home to the second largest tropical rainforest in the world, but facing major challenges such as poverty, inequality, food insecurity, weaknesses in governance, institutions and infrastructure.

When : 3 June

14:00 – 15:15 Dakar time

Why : Fragile states’ CO2 emissions are historically low. Yet many of these countries are taking bold steps to embed climate and environment action in their national development plans, reflecting their commitment to join the world on a low-carbon sustainable development pathway and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and other internationally-agreed environmental treaties. Ahead of World Environment Day, this virtual dialogue will explore how to further encourage and support investments in ecosystems and forest protection, integrating nature and climate dimensions in national economic policymaking processes and global socio-economic dialogues in fragile contexts, with a focus on West and Central Africa.


How : online Zoom event, RSVP...

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