
WCS - Recruitment of an international consultant, Gender Expert

WCS is seeking highly qualified and motivated gender experts to ensure that gender equality and social inclusion considerations are mainstreamed into all project activities, from planning and design to implementation. The expert will also develop a gender equality and social inclusion strategy and action plan. Working closely with the WCS social safeguard team, the experts will conduct a gender and social inclusion risk assessment and provide recommendations for gender equity-building opportunities throughout the strategy, and the concept note, and will provide inputs for the Environmental and Social screening.

As WCS is an equal opportunity employer committed to recruiting and supporting a diverse workforce (qualified women and people from all ethnic backgrounds), interested candidates are invited to submit their CV, a cover letter outlining relevant experience, and a sample of a gender strategy or similar document developed for a previous project.

Application deadline: December 11th , 2024.


For more Information, please, download the Document here (pdf - 300 Ki)