APAC March 7th – 12th 2022 APAC Call for Proposals – Introduction and Instructions

This call for proposals is designed to attract contributions from interested groups across Africa which focus on the APAC objectives, streams and cross cutting themes. More details for APAC can be found on the document titled “African Protected Areas for People and Nature: APAC Content for Streams and Cross- Cutting Themes” which can be viewed and downloaded from the APAC website (soon to be finalized and online). Before filling your application, be sure to be familiar with this document.


This call for proposal is open to all who have an interest in contributing to the success of APAC. APAC will focus on applications from Africa and applications can be made in English, French, Portuguese and Arabic. We encourage applications from government and parastatal agencies, regional bodies, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, community-based organizations, youth organizations and networks, organizations and networks representing indigenous peoples and local communities, and private sector and business.


The call for proposals closes:  August 31st 2021


For more Information, please, download the Documents here below:

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