Call for applications for the recruitment of consultant auditors at CARFAD INSTITUTE

Option 1: Environmental and Social Management;

Option 2: Social Management, Gender and Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

Option 3: Quality – Hygiene – Occupational Safety and Environment;

Option 4: Agroforestry, REDD+ and Climate Change.


Considering the success of the graduates of the two batches of consultant auditors, particularly through their integration into various institutions, we have decided to launch the recruitment for the third batch.


Target audience:


‒ Graduates in environmental studies willing to start a professional career;

‒ Retired personnel who want to recover their professional health by starting a new career;

‒ Other higher education graduates who want to pursue a career in the field of environment.


Constitution of the application file:


Candidates must submit to the CARFAD INSTITUTE secretariat or by email before October 24, 2024, a complete file including:

  • 01 form to be filled by the candidate (to be collected from the CARFAD INSTITUTE secretariat or downloaded from the CARFAD website:;
  • 01 Cover letter;
  • 01 Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • 01 Copy of the last diploma;
  • 01 Copy of the birth certificate;
  • 01 Copy of the National Identity Card (CNI) or passport;
  • Receipt of payment of 20,000 FCFA for study of the file (to be paid directly at the headquarters of CARFAD INSTITUTE or by bank transfer to the following account 10005 00010 00472631001 94 in the name of CARFAD at Afriland First Bank, swift code: CCEICMCX; IBAN: CM21 10005 00010 00472631001 94)
  • Proof of financial capacity to pay the training costs.


For more information, please download the following documents:

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