On May 8, 2023, in the BOUN'S Hotel conference, in Yaoundé, a workshop was held to launch the process of drawing up the Cameroon Country Investment Plan (CIP) on the nexus of transboundary transhumance, protected areas, peace and security, and development. Please download the final communiqué of the workshop...
Chaired by Mr. LEKEALEM Joseph, Director of Wildlife and Protected Areas, representing the Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, the objectives of the workshop were:
- To bring together all stakeholders from sectoral administrations and technical and financial partners to elaborate of the CIP;
- To lay the foundations for data collection;
- To draw up a roadmap to guide the drafting of the CIP.
Organized by the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF), with the Facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Congo Basin Forest Partnership and the GIZ project supporting the BSB Yamoussa complex, the meeting was attended by the following stakeholders:
- Heads of MINFOF's central and decentralized departments;
- Representatives of sectoral administrations (MINATD, MINDDEVEL);
- Technical and financial partners (COMIFAC, World Bank, RIOFAC, OFAC, AFD, DFS, KFW, GIZ, FAO, TRAFFIC).
The opening ceremony was marked by three speeches: the opening address by the Head of the GIZ BSB Yamoussa Project, delivered by Mrs. MAYEN Bertille, who thanked MINFOF for having organized this workshop and expressed the commitment of German cooperation to supporting the Cameroon CIP development process.
On behalf of CBFP Facilitator Honorable Dr. Christian Ruck, she then delivered the keynote address on the state of implementation of the Ndjamena Declaration.
The opening speech was delivered by Mr. LEKEALEM Joseph, Director of Wildlife and Protected Areas at MINFOF. In his speech, he referred to the threats to biodiversity and the increasingly difficult living conditions of the population, hence the desire for inter-state cooperation with a view to harmonise action, which resulted in the "Ndjamena Declaration" in January 2019, by the Ministers. He expressed his deep gratitude to the GIZ support project for the BSB Yamoussa complex for its multifaceted support, particularly while carrying out this activity. He ended his speech by urging participants to make useful contributions that would guide future actions.
The workshop with two presentations:
- Presentation 1: proposed format for Cameroon's multi-year investment plan;
- Presentation 2: Niger's CIP development process.
The presentations were followed by discussions and talks, at the end of which the following points were made:
The need to focus regional dynamics on the issue of transborder transhumance, so that it is better taken into account in the context of peaceful management;
- The need to take account of ongoing conflicts over access to resources and rangeland management;
- Drawing up the budget for the investment plan;
- Taking into consideration the national institutional framework for the implementation of the Cameroon CIP;
- Mapping and securing transhumance corridors;
- Promoting synergy and pooling of multi-faceted partnerships (private sector, donors and strategic partners, Regional and Local Authorities(RLAs), etc.) for the sustainable management of transhumance;
- The political and multi-sectoral commitment of administrative institutions;
For further information, please download the final communiqué below:
24.05.2023 communique final ATELIER GIZ BSB _ MB_MT.pdf (870.7 Ko)