COP27: Daily report for 7 November 2022

Heads of State and Government and their entourages took over the conference venue on the second day of the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference. With their presence, leaders aimed to signal sustained momentum on climate action. In parallel, intergovernmental negotiations got up to speed. Discussions on some agenda items, such as those related to cooperative approaches under the Paris Agreement (Article 6.2), drew such crowds that they surpassed room capacity.

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Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Implementation Summit

Opening Ceremony: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi highlighted the Climate Implementation Summit’s theme, “together for implementation.” He said parties must deliver practical roadmaps that clarify how they plan to reduce emissions, prioritizing the needs of developing countries, particularly in Africa. He called for the unnecessary war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine to stop.


UN Secretary-General António Guterres cautioned that the war in Ukraine is no reason to backslide on climate action. He called for: all G20 countries to accelerate the transition to renewables; a climate solidarity pact, especially between developed countries and emerging economies, with leadership by the US and China; taxing windfall profits of fossil fuel companies; and universal early warning system coverage within five years. “Cooperate or perish,” he warned, adding that “failure to deliver on climate is a collective suicide pact.”


Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, called for collaborative efforts on climate action, fostering innovation and economic diversification. He stated that his country will remain a supplier of oil and gas for as long as the world needs it, and is promoting investments and partnerships for sustainable economic and social development.


Macky Sall, President of Senegal and Chairperson of the African Union, lamented that current levels of adaptation finance do not meet Africa’s needs, as set out in countries’ NDCs. He urged developed countries to honor their commitments, including the USD 100 billion goal, stressing that “those who pollute more have to pay more.”


Minouche Shafik, Director, London School of Economics, called for a green industrial revolution, concessional finance, and tripling lending for clean energy. She said carbon markets should be a source of income for carbon sink-rich countries.


Leah Namugerwa, a youth climate activist, queried whether, for world leaders, justice means to “choose profits over lives,” and warned they will be remembered as doing “a lot of nothing while in power.”


Al Gore, former US Vice-President, urged ending fossil fuel colonialism, reforming the World Bank, and unlocking access to private capital to meet the USD 4.5 trillion of climate finance needed annually.


Veronika Eyring, University of Bremen, emphasized science clearly shows that “we are not on track” and urged promoting nature-based solutions that help restore ecosystem services and preserve societies.


Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, questioned the lack of progress towards keeping in line with 1.5°C and lamented the lack of clean technology transfer, noting that “the world today does not seem very different from when it was an imperialistic empire.” She underscored the importance of concessional funding and called for reforming the Bretton Woods system.


UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell asked leaders to: ensure consistency between the visions expressed in their high-level statements and their delegations’ positions in the negotiations; convene their cabinet ministers to strengthen domestic climate plans and step up implementation; and reflect the urgency of the climate crisis in all their work.


Odile Renaud-Basso, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, speaking on behalf of multilateral development banks (MDBs), underscored that MDBs will step up support for countries and cities to engage in the net-zero transformation and place special emphasis on nature-based solutions to leverage the climate and biodiversity linkages.


Statements from leaders: President of the Republic of the Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso said reforesting the planet is one of the most relevant solutions available and noted his country has one of the lowest levels of deforestation in the world. He called for establishing a decade of reforestation.


Noting that refugees and their hosts are among the most vulnerable to climate change, King of Jordan Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein described his country’s Climate Refugee Nexus Initiative, which will prioritize support for host countries that bear the brunt of climate change, and invited other countries to endorse this initiative.


Noting that Africa is spending up to 9 percent of its gross domestic product on tackling climate change, President of Gabon Ali Bongo Ondimba called for financing for adaptation and just transitions, and said his country has absorbed close to 1.5 Gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere since COP 15 in 2009.


Wavel John Charles Ramkalawan, President of Seychelles, underscored his country’s mangroves and seagrass beds not only “clean up” domestic emissions but also those of the rest of the world. Pointing to the multidimensional vulnerability index, he urged provision of concessional financing.


Klaus-Werner Iohannis, President of Romania, underscored the importance of education and research for promoting the skills needed for a low-carbon economy and highlighted adaptation as key to ensuring resilient food production and power generation amid increasing droughts.


Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani, President of Mauritania, highlighted his country’s success in increasing renewable energy production, including for green hydrogen, calling for partnerships to support these efforts.


French President Emmanuel Macron expressed understanding of vulnerable countries’ frustration and outlined ways to  “move the needle,” including through: joint energy partnerships with emerging economies; setting up a framework for similar partnerships with biodiversity-rich countries to support the protection of ecosystems that store high amounts of carbon; and ensuring MDBs respond to the needs of vulnerable countries.


Samia Suluhu Hassan, President of Tanzania, shared lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and noted that science has shown a correlation between economic and environmental prosperity. She underscored her country’s challenges in raising funds to implement the necessary measures to fight climate change, and highlighted conservation measures such as tree planting and forest preservation.


Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid lamented that violence and war are halting development in his country. He said Iraq’s main challenge is the water crisis, noting that Mesopotamia used to have many floods but is now water scarce.


Zuzana Čaputová, President of Slovakia, reflected on how “we talked about the why and how” for too long, stressing that “now is the time to act.” She criticized short-sighted solutions, reminding that a green transition is neither easy nor cheap, and stressed that “we need to transform our collective fragility into our collective resilience.”


Faustin-Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African Republic, underscored that rich countries and top polluters are “the ones most to blame for endangering humanity,” urging those countries to financially support poorer countries’ climate action.


Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of Mozambique, said a fair energy transition must be gradual and reduce negative impacts on economic development. He said Mozambique will continue using its own natural resources, including gas, in the medium term.


Taneti Maamau, President of Kiribati, lamented that “major solutions remain distant because we are at the mercy of multilateral agencies who continue to determine how we adapt.” He nonetheless recognized that hope remains, and called for data, capacity building, technology transfer, and country-specific scientific projections to make adaptation planning more effective.


Kenyan President William Ruto, for the African Group, urged directing investments to Africa to leverage its clean energy potential and shared plans for a continental climate action summit in 2023 focused on sustainable economic transformation and green growth. Calling carbon credits “Kenya’s next significant export,” he urged developing carbon markets that help communities, not intermediaries.


Observing 1.5°C is out of reach without increased efforts from the G20, which account for 80% of global emissions, Swiss President Ignazio Cassis said COP 27 must launch a major work programme on mitigation and ask each country to submit a clear timeframe to divest from fossil fuels.


King of Tonga Tupou VI lamented the recent volcanic eruption in his country, noting it highlighted the need for desalination technologies to convert seawater into drinking water, and underscored the need for affordable climate-friendly transportation.


Latvian President Egils Levits urged speeding up the renewable energy transition to ensure greater energy security and mitigate climate change. He outlined Latvia’s goal to be climate-neutral by 2050, and the targets of two Latvian cities to be among the first 100 climate-neutral European cities by 2030.


Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia, proposed a “decalogue” comprising, inter alia: recognizing that markets created the problem and cannot be the main solution; the International Monetary Fund starting a debt swap programme for investment and adaptation in developing countries; and preserving the “pillars of the planet,” such as the Amazon. He said his country will devote USD 200 million annually for 20 years towards saving the Amazon.


Hakainde Hichilema, President of Zambia, said climate adaptation remains a top priority, urging progress on the Global Goal on Adaptation at COP 27. Pointing to the country’s limited resources, he underscored that Zambia will continue to do what it can to fight climate change and called for placing collective action above individual interests.


Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti, highlighted that climate change impacts are a risk to public health and water infrastructure. He called for the recognition of the special needs and circumstances of Africa and urged developed countries to deliver on their USD 100 billion annual commitment.


Leaders’ statements continued into the evening and will resume on Tuesday, 8 November.


Matters Relating to Finance: Guidance to the Green Climate Fund: Guidance to the Global Environment Facility: The joint contact group, co-chaired by Toru Sugio (Japan) and Richard Muyungi (Tanzania), heard views on developing draft COP decision texts on guidance to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF).


On GCF guidance, parties highlighted, inter alia: informing the GCF’s second replenishment; encouraging all potential contributors to engage; avoiding “micromanaging” the GCF Board; focusing on barriers and challenges; and improving representation of small island developing states.

On GEF guidance, parties mentioned, among others, the GEF replenishment and programming strategies.


Views diverged on whether draft guidance prepared by the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) could be used as the basis for the draft text, with South Africa, for the AFRICAN GROUP, and Antigua and Barbuda, for the ALLIANCE OF SMALL ISLAND STATES (AOSIS), opposing, noting that they had not been able to submit views on the guidance. Some suggested parties are welcome to take paragraphs from the guidance and submit these as their own. Parties agreed to invite submissions by noon on 9 November.


Review of the Financial Mechanism: Co-Chairs Kelly Sharp (Canada) and Ricardo Marshall (Barbados) opened the contact group meeting, recalling that parties had not been able to reach agreement at COP 26 to launch the seventh review of the Financial Mechanism. They clarified that the group’s mandate at this session is to adopt the guidelines for, and launch, the review.


The US noted her country’s request for a CMA agenda item on the review of the Financial Mechanism and ongoing presidency consultations on this issue. She said pending the outcome of the consultations, the US will undertake discussions on the basis that the CMA has a role in the Mechanism review. Several countries and country groups, including JAPAN, the EU, CANADA, the UK, and Costa Rica, for the INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN (AILAC), agreed that  the CMA should have a role in the review of the Mechanism. South Africa, for the AFRICAN GROUP, supported by Saudi Arabia, for the LIKE-MINDED GROUP OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (LMDCs), Uganda, for the LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES (LDCs), and BRAZIL opposed this approach, preferring to wait for the outcome of the presidency consultations and focusing in the meantime on the review of the Financial Mechanism under the COP. Several parties also supported using the draft text from COP 26 as the basis of discussions, while the AFRICAN GROUP noted that, as the item was placed on the COP 27 agenda under Rule 16 of the draft Rules of Procedure, the draft COP 26 text cannot be forwarded to COP 27.


The Co-Chairs invited parties’ submissions on expectations and elements that should be captured in the guidelines for the review.



Matters Relating to Finance: Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance: In informal consultations, co-facilitators Dominique Molloy (UK) and Janine Felson (Belize) introduced the documents under consideration, including the SCF report, the Fifth Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows, and documents on definitions of climate finance, information relevant to Paris Agreement Article 2.1(c) (on consistency of finance flows), and progress on the USD 100 billion goal. Reminding that COP 27 and CMA 4 are expected to review the functions of the SCF, they invited parties’ views.


Many parties requested sufficient time to reflect on the various documents at this session.

On the Biennial Assessment, they highlighted, inter alia, low shares of grants, need for coherence in reporting methodologies by providers, and that less than 1% of financing is channeled through funds governed by the UNFCCC.


On climate finance definitions, views diverged on whether further work is required by the SCF and the need for a political-level discussion, with developed countries saying definitions should reflect the bottom-up spirit of the Paris Agreement and many developing countries calling for a common definition.


Several developing country groups said their views were inadequately reflected in the Article 2.1(c) mapping, while other groups and parties lamented that this issue had not been included as an agenda item. Many countries called for a political-level discussion.


On the USD 100 billion goal, developing countries stressed the target remains unmet, calling for annual progress reports to be issued through 2027.


Discussions will continue in informal party consultations.


Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI)

Matters Relating to the Adaptation Fund: Fourth review of the Adaptation Fund: In informal consultations, co-facilitators Diann Black-Layne (Antigua and Barbuda) and Eva Schreuder (Netherlands) invited parties to share expectations on elements for a draft CMP decision concluding the fourth review of the Adaptation Fund.


Many emphasized the uniqueness and importance of the Fund for developing countries, including its emphasis on grants and country drivenness, and agreed the Fund is working well.


A number of developing countries and groups lamented that a large share of pledges remain outstanding and developing countries’ adaptation finance needs are not being met. They called for referencing the Glasgow Climate Pact “pledge” to at least double the provision of climate finance for adaptation to developing countries from 2019 levels by 2025 (Decision 1/CMA.3, paragraph 18). Many stressed the Adaptation Fund is the appropriate vehicle for channeling these resources.


Noting that certified emission reductions (CERs) have not been a significant source of revenue for the Fund and voluntary contributions lead to unpredictability, developing countries and groups called for a multi-year replenishment. Countries also highlighted, inter alia, further improving direct access, results-based finance, and the Fund’s environmental and social policy.


Parties mandated the co-facilitators to prepare draft text for the next consultations based on inputs received and further submissions made by 8 November.


Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA)

Rules, Modalities, and Procedures for the Paris Agreement Article 6.4 Mechanism: In informal consultations, co-facilitated by Katherine Hancock (Australia) and Sonam Tashi (Bhutan), parties agreed to use the SBSTA Chair’s informal document (SBSTA57/A6.4/InfDoc) as the basis for discussions. Parties considered the processes for implementing the use of CERs towards first or first updated NDCs. On text stating that parties should follow the guidance on using internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) when they use CERs to achieve their NDCs, several parties underlined that CERs are not ITMOs and called for labeling to make this clear. On text stating the Article 6.4 mechanism registry may continue to receive CER transfers from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) registry until the CMA decides otherwise, some parties preferred deleting this provision or including an end date for accepting transfers.


Parties also discussed reporting by host parties on their Article 6.4 activities and Article 6.4 emission reductions. They considered reporting options, with some stressing that Article 6.4 reporting must be separate from, and additional to, Article 6.2 reporting. Others opposed, pointing to an additional reporting burden on developing countries, and suggested that reports submitted under Article 6.4 can be used to meet Article 6.2 reporting requirements if and when emission reductions are authorized as ITMOs.


Subsidiary Bodies

Matters relating to the Santiago Network under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change Impacts: Informal consultations were co-facilitated by Cornelia Jäger (Austria) and Lucas di Pietro (Argentina). Participants shared their views on elements to address, inter alia: terms of reference of the Santiago Network; criteria for selecting its Secretariat; the role and composition of its Advisory Board; and the role of loss and damage contact points. A developing country group called for swiftly moving to textual work to avoid having to resort to last-minute compromises.


Report of the Adaptation Committee: Co-Facilitators Pilar Bueno (Argentina) and Morgane Chiocchia (UK) outlined two sub-items for consideration: report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2022/5, Add.1 and Add.2); and review of the Committee’s progress, effectiveness, and performance.


On the Adaptation Committee’s report, parties highlighted the need to: enhance engagement with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); update methodologies and tools to assess adaptation needs; and revamp the adaptation knowledge portal. They also noted the report should be revised to reflect parties’ agreement on common timeframes for NDCs.


On the review of the Adaptation Committee, parties noted the need to increase visibility of the Committee’s work, improve engagement with stakeholders and the IPCC, and enhance focus on NAPs. Some called for separate decisions for each sub-item, and for separate COP and CMA decisions, observing the CMA has no mandate to undertake the review.


Matters Relating to the Work Programme for Urgently Scaling up Mitigation Ambition and Implementation: In informal consultations, co-facilitated by Carlos Fuller (Belize) and Kay Harrison (New Zealand), discussions focused on the scope and content of the work programme. Several parties said the work programme should be a space for sharing lessons learned and knowledge on the implementation of countries’ NDCs. Others supported also considering ways to enhance mitigation ambition, noting the group’s mandate includes “scaling up mitigation ambition and implementation.” One group said the work programme should facilitate a “race to the top” where parties commit to higher mitigation targets, and one developing country said it should support closing the ambition gap for achieving 1.5°C.


On modalities, parties suggested: thematic workshops held in conjunction with the SBs in 2023; regional workshops; or an annual ministerial roundtable on pre-2030 ambition. On timelines, one party proposed a two-year work programme starting at SB 58 and ending in CMA 6, and continuing in two-year cycles until 2030.


In the Corridors

The second day of the conference opened with an impressive line-up of more than 100 Heads of State and Government arriving for the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Implementation Summit. As a sign of times, the recurrent theme of the day, however, was the discrepancy between pledges and their implementation. “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator,” alerted UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the opening of the Summit. “Implementation is not good speech material,” one delegate quipped. “Very laudable,” said another seasoned delegate about UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell’s determination to hold leaders accountable, “but we have yet to see the spirit of the grand speeches infuse into the actual negotiations.” Announcements of new action, usually a common feature of high-level statements, were also few and far between.


The presence of world leaders at the venue was also tangibly felt as intergovernmental negotiations on a large number of items launched work in the afternoon. Negotiators in multiple rooms seemed caught in a Goldilocks-esque predicament of their negotiating rooms being either too small, too cold, or too noisy. Some negotiations, such as Article 6, had to be postponed as many parties were unable to find seats and observers were left queuing outside. “I can’t believe I came to Egypt to watch a webcast” shared a frustrated observer, “especially seeing how patchy the wifi connection is.”


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Partners News

Reforestation in the Forest Management Units of Cameroon (UFA - Reforest): Scientific Component of the Project

At the 26th IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm from 23-29 June 2024, the booth hosted by the Scientific and Academic College of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) provided an opportunity for Crispin Ilunga-Mulala Mushagalusa, a PhD student at the University of Liège (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech), to present his research as part of the UFA - Reforest project (Reforestation in the Forest Management Units of Cameroon).

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New publication - Measuring Local People Perception toward Wildlife and Conservation at the Periphery of the Dja Biosphere Reserve, East Region, Cameroon

This study addresses the need to explore the attitude and perception of local residents toward wildlife and conservation. Questionnaires, surveys and field observations were used in data collection. A total of 400 people was conveniently selected in 16 villages from October to December 2015. Data analysis relied mainly on factor analysis and structural equation modelling in SPSS 21 and Smart-PLS software.

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MOP20 - Summary of the side event WWF- Parcs Gabon - Is conflict with forest elephants increasing in the Congo Basin and how can we enhance human / forest elephant coexistence?

The objective of this side event on 4 June 2024 was move away from rapid conflict mitigation and prevention towards to holistic and integrated coexistence programs between human and forest elephants in rainforest of the Congo Basin.

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International Youth Day 2024 "From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development"

The theme for International Youth Day 2024 (12 August) is “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.” This theme highlights the key connection between digitalization and accelerating the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing the crucial contributions of young people in this transformative process.

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International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024

On 23 December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly decided, in its resolution 49/214, that the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People shall be observed on 9 August every year. The date marks the first meeting, in 1982, of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations. The International Day observance will take place online on Friday, 9 August 2024. This year’s theme is: Protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation and Initial Contact.

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CBFP- ECOSOC – DESA SD : The 2024 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), convened under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

CBFP, which is one of the oldest Type 2 partnerships in the United Nations system, registered in the ECOSOC and UN DESA partnerships, and strengthened in SDG 17, is calling on its partners to make the conclusions of the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development their own... the call is crystallised in advocacy for Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership with diverse stakeholders for sustainable developmen. In Fact, Partnerships are the glue for SDG implementation and is been essential to making the Agenda a reality.

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MOP20 Summary side event Towards legal, sustainable, and healthy wild meat value chains in Central Africa: progress insights from the SWM Programme

Side event organized by the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme on the 04/06 from 8h30 to 9h30 am. United Nations member states are committed to reducing hunger, improving health, and conserving natural resources through the Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework aims to conserve 30% of terrestrial and marine areas by 2030, promoting sustainable wildlife management and equitable benefits. However, in Central Africa, the unsustainable wild meat trade threatens food security and biodiversity, making these goals challenging to achieve.

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MOP20 Summary side event SWM Programme - Legal Hub: A tool for analyzing the Legal Framework governing value chains in particular on wild meat

The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme presented its innovative Legal Hub at the recent 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership. This event was held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), from 3 to 5 June, 2024. A specific side-event titled "A Tool to Connect Different Sources of Law" showcased the Legal Hub’s critical role in enhancing the legal frameworks governing wildlife management across multiple countries, including the sub-region.

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MOP20 summary side event: Sharing Innovative Approaches by IITA, RIKOLTO and UCB in Agroforestry and Sustainable land use management for Communities

In this 20th meeting, the consortium comprising the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), RIKOLTO, and the Catholic University of Bukavu (UCB) actively participated in the sessions held from June 3 to 5, 2024, at the Pullman Hotel in Kinshasa. During a panel focused on agroforestry and agribusiness, the consortium presented solutions for sustainable and effective land management around the Itombwe Reserve and the Kahuzi-Biega National Park through two main themes...

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MOP20 summary side event WWF: A platform for useful information management and sharing for conservation and research

A platform named “Congo Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Database” combining several key sources of information has been developed by WWF to support the management and development of conservation and research projects. This tool has the advantage of being transversal to several possible topics and themes in the field of natural resource management.

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Results of the GEF Council meeting held in Washington yesterday, 20 June 2024: The GEF Council approves $736.4 million to address broad environmental needs...

Approximately 5% for Central African countries and the bulk for other geographical zones... towards an "Accelerator for the preservation of the Congo Basin forests and peripheries" towards Belém COP 30 Climate post Glasgow?

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Mapping the World’s Trees in Unprecedented Detail with AI – Land Carbon Lab

... WRI’s Global Restoration Initiative and researchers from Land & Carbon Lab have partnered with Meta to develop a groundbreaking AI foundation model that we’ve used to produce the world’s first global map of tree canopy height at a 1-meter resolution, allowing the detection of single trees at a global scale...

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Joint statement by the Franco-Gabonese facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership at the end of its 20th meeting of the parties

The 20th Meeting of the Parties (MOP20) was a high point, marked by the participation of eight ministers from the Congo Basin and more than 600 participants, illustrating the importance and scope of our partnership. The CBFP proved once again that it is an essential forum for dialogue and cooperation. The diversity and commitment of the stakeholders present were a driving force for emulation and fruitful collaboration. Finally, the exemplary cooperation with the Congolese authorities greatly contributed to the success of this meeting.

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MOP20 - Final communique of the Regional Coalition of Civil Society for Forests and the Environment of the Congo Basin

Kinshasa, MOP 20 of the CBFP At the end of the proceedings, among other major resolutions, Ms Cécile Ndjebet, Champion of Forests and Champion of the Earth, Co-Leader of the CBFP civil society college, was elected by consensus to head the "Regional Civil Society Coalition for Forests and the Environment of the Congo Basin".

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Programme of the CBFP Scientific and Academic College's booth at the IUFRO24

The Scientific and Academic College of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is actively participating in the 26th IUFRO World Congress from 23 to 29 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, with a booth located at A01:01 in Exhibition Hall A at Stockholmsmässan, Mässvägen 1, 125 80 Stockholm. Over the course of the week, a series of workshops will be held to present the platforms of forestry science in the Congo Basin and highlight the latest research, innovations and applied sciences.

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Capacity building needed urgently in Africa to avoid detrimental impacts of timber trade measures - ITTO

10 June 2024: ITTO has urged more attention to the need for capacity building and training in the Congo Basin to ensure that the region’s vital forest sector and timber industry will be able to meet the requirements of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and other international trade measures.

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PRESS RELEASE - Africa Climate Action Initiative (ACAI) supports members and partners of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)

It is with great respect and a deep sense of responsibility that we, the Africa Climate Action Initiative (ACAI), support the 20th Meeting of the Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (RDP20) which will be held from 3 to June 5, 2024 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. This approach aims to strengthen our collective commitment to the sustainable management and conservation of the Congo Basin, a critical global resource, and to catalyze transformative actions that align with a shared vision for a sustainable and prosperous future.

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USAID FABS Project: 4 captivating webinars in French and English on tourism and nature in the Congo Basin

The USAID FABS Project is organising 4 captivating webinars in French and English on the theme of nature-based tourism in the Congo Basin.  These events will take place on Tuesday 11 and Thursday 13 June 2024. The aim of these webinars is to communicate the challenges and opportunities of sustainable tourism in Central Africa, while promoting mutual learning for the development of tourism in protected areas. The sessions will focus in particular on studies carried out in the DRC, Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Congo Brazzaville.

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Rainforest Trust – the 129th member of CBFP: Welcome to our New Partner!

Libreville, Gabon 22 April 2024, Rainforest Trust has officially joined the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). Rainforest Trust is now one of 129 member countries and organizations working together in the Congo Basin Forest Partnership to promote sustainable resource management, combat climate change and its impacts, improve living conditions and protect the unique biodiversity of Central Africa’s tropical forest.

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20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the CBFP from 3 to 5 June 2024 in Kinshasa, DRC: registration now open!

The French-Gabonese Co-Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to inform you that the 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership will be held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 3-5 June 2024. If you wish to attend the 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP) of the CBFP and related events, please register before 05 May, 23:59, 2024 by completing the form below and clicking on the button “register”. It will not be possible to attend the meeting without a properly completed registration procedure.

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Provisional programme of the MOP20

The 20th Meeting of the Parties to the CBFP (MOP20) will be held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, from 3 to 5 June 2024. The MOP20 is organised by the Co-Facilitation of the French and Gabonese Republics of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). Please find the provisional programme of the 20th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP (MOP20).


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MOP20: The CBFP launches registration for journalists

The French-Gabonese Co-Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to inform you that the 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership will be held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 3-5 June 2024. If you wish to cover the 20th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) of the CBFP and associated meetings, please register before 16 May 2024 by filling in the form below and clicking on the "register" button.


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Information Note: CBFP Youth Forum from 31 May to 1 June 2024, Kinshasa, DRC

The "Youth Forum for the Forests of Central Africa 2024" is scheduled to take place over 2 days from 31 May to 1 June in Kinshasa. It will bring together 150 young people from Central Africa and Europe who are committed to protecting forests and preserving the environment. This forum is organised by the Franco-Gabonese facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), a 128-member initiative that serves as a platform for multi-sectoral dialogue on forest conservation. The Youth Forum will be a preliminary event to the CBFP Meeting of the Parties, which will take place from 3 to 5 June in Kinshasa, and will serve as a general assembly for its members.

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The CBFP supports the N'Djamena Declaration in action: The Republic of Cameroon and the Federal Republic of Nigeria sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Abuja, 19 April 2024, His Excellency Alhaji Balarabe Lawal, Federal Minister of the Environment of Nigeria and His Excellency Jules Doret Ndongo, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroon sign a Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation of transborder ecosystems and the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources along their common border of more than 1,500 km.

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Call for Proposals of Side Events at CBFP MOP 20

The Facilitation of the French and Gabonese Republics is pleased to launch a call for proposals to host side events during the 20th Meeting of the Parties (MOP20) in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, from 3-5 June 2024. In line with the themes of MOP20 of the CBFP, side events provide opportunities for information exchange, dialogue, cooperation and the creation of synergies between CBFP partners. Deadline for submissions: 19 April 2024. Applicants for selected proposals will be contacted on 30 April 2024.

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Friday 19 April 2024 at 10:00 am - a major step forward - signing of the cooperation framework agreement between Cameroon and Nigeria

The Co-Facilitation of the French and Gabonese Republics of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to inform you that the "Signing Ceremony of the Framework Cooperation Agreement on the Conservation of Transboundary Ecosystems and Sustainable Management of Forest and Wildlife Resources between the Governments of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Republic of Cameroon" will take place on Friday 19 April 2024 at 10:00 am at the Continental Hotel in Abuja, Nigeria. In conjunction with this signing ceremony, a technical round table on the implementation of the framework cooperation agreement on the conservation of transboundary ecosystems and the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources between Nigeria and Cameroon will be held at 12 noon on Thursday 18 April at the same hotel.

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The Passing away of Mrs Sylvie Louisette NGO YEBEL Epse FOUNGA, Communication Expert at the Executive Secretariat of COMIFAC

The Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) is deeply saddened to announce the death of Mrs Sylvie Louisette NGO YEBEL Epse FOUNGA, Communications Expert of Cameroonian nationality, at the COMIFAC Executive Secretariat. She was murdered and her body found on Sunday 7 April 2024 at around 8.30 am in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

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Information Note: 20th Meeting of Parties (MOP20) of the CBFP, 31 May - 5 June 2024, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

The CBFP Youth Forum and Meeting of Parties will take place from 31 May to 5 June 2024 in Kinshasa and will bring together more than 700 stakeholders committed to preserving the forests of the Congo Basin. The Meeting of Parties and the Youth Forum will be co-chaired by Ambassador Christophe Guilhou (France) and Ambassador Flore Koumba Pambo (Gabon) and the current President of COMIFAC, His Excellency Mr Prosper Dodiko, with the participation of senior representatives of the DRC.


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CIDT: We’re recruiting for a Senior Consultant in Global Sustainable Development

CIDT wishes to recruit an enthusiastic, people-centred international development professional to join our dynamic, multidisciplinary team. To be considered for this post you will have an understanding and experience of global sustainable development work and be prepared to work both in UK and overseas. You will be qualified to master’s level in one or more of the following core areas of our work: Global Sustainable /International development/ Development Studies, Development Effectiveness, Gender and Social Inclusion, Sustainable Livelihoods, Natural Resource Management, Forest Governance or Education and Development and have expertise in the related fields.

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Ecological taxation How can a fiscal bonus-malus (feebates) mechanism be implemented?

This brief note sets out the principle of an ecological bonus-malus mechanism, designed to change behaviour by modifying the relative prices of products, while aiming for budget neutrality (no tax losses for the State). It applies in particular to the agricultural and forestry sectors, but can also be applied to other areas. We are currently working with various colleagues on the timber and cocoa sectors, and on an automated simulator with a user-friendly interface that can be easily used by government departments and their partners who would like to test the tool and, if necessary, implement it.


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COMIFAC is the new CBD centre for technical and scientific cooperation in Africa and ranks 4th worldwide

The Co-Facilitation of France and Gabon of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to announce the selection of COMIFAC by the CBD Secretariat as a centre for technical and scientific cooperation for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Framework for Biodiversity in Central Africa. With the highest score in Africa, COMIFAC ranks 4th in the world. The co-facilitation congratulates COMIFAC on this major distinction.

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First Dialogue between the College of Donors and the Scientific and Academic College (SAC) of the CBFP: strong mobilisation and strengthening of cooperation between the two colleges

On Tuesday 12 March 2024, from 16:30-18:00 CET, the first dialogue between the College of Donors and the Scientific and Academic College (SAC) of the CBFP was held in virtual form. Over 70 people participated actively in the dialogue. The aim of the meeting was to promote cooperation as well as scientific and academic dialogue on the forests of the Congo Basin as part of the implementation of strategic priority 1 of the 2023-2025 roadmap of the CBFP.

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