Co-creating solutions together with natural tropical forests: the Republic of Congo and private timber sector, Tuesday, 9 November 2021 from 10h00 to 11h30 COMIFAC Pavilion, Hall 4 - Blue Zone, COP26 Glasgow (Scotland)

The event will be an opportunity to demonstrate the synergy between the Congolese state and private sector (FSC-certified timber industry) aimed at effectively maintaining a forest area whose inhabitants and biodiversity are sensitive to climate change. A proven management model which provides responsibly produced timber products for the local and international wood markets. A wide range of co-products are further delivered, i.e. equitable employment, fighting poverty, access to essential quality services (healthcare, drinking water, housing, electricity, schools, etc.) for thousands of employees and their families in one of the most landlocked areas of Congo as well as carbon absorption, biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation on a global scale.


This synergistic action, which contributes directly to Agenda2030 and the UN SDGs, can only continue to stimulate economic growth, diversify the economy through responsible timber production and ensure forest protection, providing increased support for good governance and climate investments is secured, through both REDD+ and CAFI as well as private investors.

To show-case best in class public-private-partnership in tropical forestry in the Republic of Congo.
The event will explore Congo's strategic vision and collaboration with the private sector, particularly FSC-certified forestry companies, in implementing the protection of its forests through responsibly produced wood products, i.e. natural habitats and ecosystems on which our climate, air, water, health and life on this planet depend, thereby contributing directly to Nature (COP26 priority area 4), also seeking to mobilise Expertise and Funding (priority area 5) to support climate change Adaptation and Resilience (priority area 1).


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