Global Forests need Global Governance. UK TTF - COMIFAC Pavilion, 06 November 2021, COP26 Glasgow

The event will be held in English. A translation into French will be provided for any French-speaking delegates. All speakers are required to speak in their native language (throughout).


Target audience: Key climate, forest and environment policymakers, private forestry sector leaders.


Date: November 6 2021, 12:00 - 13:30             


Location: COMIFAC Pavilion, Blue Zone, COP26 Glasgow


Moderation: David Hopkins, UK TTF



David Hopkins Chief Executive of the UK Timber Trade Federation will be joined by Minister Matondo of Congo, Minister White of Gabon, and Minister Ndongo of Cameroon. In addition, a perspective will be presented from Minister Goldsmith of the UK and the China Timber & Wood Products Distribution Association by pre-recorded message, the Indonesian private sector and Interholco.



10-minute Introduction from David Hopkins

5-minute   Introduction from each panellist

30-minute Panel discussion / Q&A

10-minute Closing remarks from David Hopkins


Aim of Global Forests need Global Governance at the COMIFAC Pavilion


This session highlights the importance of governance to support all forestry and nature themes at COP26. Furthermore, panellists will remind leaders that illegal logging, deforestation, and other issues are still a problem but that we have the means to incentivise change - while also encouraging investment and sustainable trade.


The tropical timber sector has a key role in achieving the forest conservation goals of COP26, the private sector is willing to act, but can’t alone. Producer and consumer governments must come together to establish requisite enabling governance. Ministers and private sector leaders in this event will debate how best to do that in this important high-level event.


This event highlights the importance of the tropical rainforests for COP26 climate mitigation objectives, the need to strengthen legality and sustainability in the tropical timber sector. It will also underline the critical role that governments can and must play in establishing and enabling governance conditions in their own actions and working together as an international community of nations.


The value of the Congo Basin will be strongly communicated throughout panellists and discussion, as the last standing forest with the potential to remain a strong net carbon sink.


Trade associations within the Congo Basin and COMIFAC including Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon and the Republic of Congo and the UKTTF have facilitated a close relationship through workshops and the creation of the “Tropical Timber Accord - Global Forests need Global Governance”, which will be presented at this event.


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