
Registration Form workshop on Sustainable Value Chains

Registration deadline

November 17, 2024

Please note that the information that will appear on your badge (your first and last names as well as your organization) will be completed automatically from your answers in this form. Therefore please therefore make sure to complete it as accurately as possible.


Preferred language of communication*

Travel information

I need help booking accommodation in Douala, Cameroon.*

You have a valid passport for at least the 6 next months.*

You are in possession of a valid visa to enter Cameroon during the period of the event.*

Data protection

Please note that we expect the list of participants to be available to all participants (the information will be identical to that printed on the badges: names and organization). Please tick this box to confirm that you wish to appear on this list.*

You agree to be photographed by the official event providers or commissioners.*The photos will be saved for two purposes: 1. they will be made available to the participants on the event website. 2. The photos may be used for media coverage of this event, for CBFP communication with its members and public relations.

You agree to have your name, email address, organization and position published in the event report to be posted on the CBFP website and, in some cases, on the CBFP partners' websites.*

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