
Fair Deal


Declaration of commitment and call for fair funding

An alliance between the international community and the countries of Central Africa to preserve the forests of the Congo Basin - Fair Deal process!

The ‘Un Fair Deal’ is a fair agreement for fair payment by the international community for the valuable ecological services of Central Africa and the Congo Basin.

A Declaration of Commitment by the Member States of COMIFAC for the Forests of Central Africa and a call for fair financing was signed on 26 August 2021 by the Member States of COMIFAC.

Through this Declaration, the Central African signatories recognise the services of the Congo Forest (CO2 storage capacity, genetic heritage, habitat and economic space) as a global public good and declare their shared commitment to the conservation of its natural resources, for example through:

  •     Reinforcing the role of the Congo Forest in global climate debates;
  •     Increasing privatisation of protected area management;
  •     Increasing opportunities for civil society and indigenous peoples to participate in decision-making processes;
  • The creation of a supra-regional exchange platform to curb transhumance (the increase in cattle herds that degenerates the forests);
  •     And more reforestation measures where forests have already disappeared.

As a ‘quid pro quo’, the African signatories expect more technical, political and financial support from the global community, and call for better coordination of international funding mechanisms and policy initiatives, as well as adequate and equitable access to climate and biodiversity finance and to global tropical timber markets, and greater promotion of high value-added timber products.

Please download the documents below: