
WWF GABON COUNTRY PROGRAMME OFFICE Recrutement d'un consultant pour l'évaluation du projet Achieving integrated conservation of Congo basin' most important costal landscape, FY 2023-2025.

The Evaluator should be bilingual (English/French) in order to be able to evaluate all of the texts and reports prepared for WWF Netherlands by WWF Gabon, as well as to communicate with WWF staff in Gabon and relevant stakeholders/partners in the Gamba Landscape. It is essential that the evaluator has good interview and facilitation skills, and had a proven track record of successful participatory data collection with local communities. The evaluator should also have proven experience with in the evaluation of conservation projects implemented by non-governmental organisations, as well as familiarity with all of the issues surrounding wildlife conservation and management of Protected Areas in Africa, especially the Congo basin.

For WWF support, Pierre Brice MAGANGA, the project manager of the southern program, is the resource person and will be tasked with organizing the evaluation, consolidating and providing necessary information to the evaluation. Carmen IVALA and Régis MOUSSAVOU, will be in charge of financial aspects, Amour GUIBINGA and Cynthia N’SAFOU will give a support for technical aspects in Gamba respectively in Gamba and Mandji and Guy Aimé MOUSSAVOU will help for logistical arrangements.

Proposals in French can be submitted until February 17, 2025 before 13.00h Gabon time.

Applications must include the following:

- Cover letter setting out interest in and suitability for this consultancy role against the role requirements, including a statement that there are no conflicts of interest

- Proposed methodological approach

- The daily fees and the amount of per diems

- CV(s) and evidence of expertise in conducting evaluations, including qualitative participatory approaches.