
CBFP-WRI-COP 29: Dialogue on land tenure in the Congo Basin, climatic and/or development agenda

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COP 29, 20 November 2024: Ambassador Dr Aurelie Koumba Pambo, Gabonese Co-Facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) delivered the opening speech at the WRI-CBFP side event on land tenure in the Congo Basin, climatic or development agenda?

In her speech, the Gabonese Co-Facilitator of the CBFP recalled recommendations made at the MoP19 and the ambition of the CBFP French-Gabonese Co-Facilitation to implement them.

 She informed on the workshop on sustainable value chains to hold in Douala, Cameroon from 16 to 18 December 2024. 

Dr Aurelie Koumba Pambo expressed her gratitude to WRI, facilitator of the Sustainable land tenure thematic workshop of the CBFP MoP20 for organising this meeting.

The following six thematic workshops were held thanks to MoP20 of the CBFP:

  • Thematic Workshop 1: Building the network of protected areas in Central Africa to meet the Kunming-Montréal (30x30) objectives;
  • Thematic Workshop 2: Ensure an efficient and sustainable land-use planning:
  • Thematic Workshop 3: Set up sustainable value chains in Central Africa
  • Thematic Workshop 4: Speed up the development of innovative funding mechanisms;
  • Thematic Workshop 5: The fight against environmental crimes
  • Thematic Workshop 6: Cooperation and scientific and academic dialogue


For the CO-Facilitator, since its creation in 2002 as a platform, a multi-stakeholder network for international, regional and national mobilisation for the preservation of the forests of Central Africa, the current CBFP Governance Model by a Co-Facilitation of a Northern country and a country from Central Africa is an innovation as the CBFP facilitation has previously been handled by a Northern country.  This duo approach by the CBFP Co-Facilitation is a successful and recommendable model for the future. 

On another innovation point, the French-Gabonese CBFP Co-Facilitation innovates again in carrying out CBFP operations with emphasis laid on following-up the implementation of recommendations of the CBFP MoP .  For the CBFP MoP20, a follow-up system of the MoP20 recommendations is being developed in close collaboration with facilitators of thematic workshops and CBFP college leaders.  It is an inclusive, participative and transparent process for the mobilisation of the Partnership in the implementation of recommendations made by the CBFP parties.

The organisation of the WRI side event at the COP29 falls in-line with the prospect of making progress in implementing recommendations of the CBFP MoP20 thematic workshop on land tenure. 

The Gabonese CBFP Co-Facilitator ended her speech by wishing participants fruitful discussions.

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Read more: Recommandations de la Rdp20 du PFBC