
Green Development Advocates (GDA) publication

Identifying options to recognize and secure ICCAs in Cameroon.

Green Development Advocates (GDA) recently conducted an analysis of the legal framework for identifying options to recognize and secure ICCAs in Cameroon.

In Cameroon, the dynamics of promoting ICCA still has a weak institutional and local anchoring. However, we note the adhesion of Cameroonian CSOs to the ICCAs Consortium and the latter participate in the sub-regional general assemblies of Central Africa.

Despite this timid progress, the recognition and securing of ICCAs as a territory and social identity of indigenous peoples and local communities remains a serious challenge.

The document highlights the urgent need to initiate a process with institutional players to recognise the living areas and territories of indigenous peoples and local communities in Cameroon, and the importance of analysing the options for recognising and securing ICCAs in its legal corpus.

Download GDA's report in French... (pdf - 759 Ki)

Download the GDA report in English... (pdf - 709 Ki)