Ahead of the 56th session of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC), the UN Secretary-General has made available a report of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), describing the Expert Group’s work in 2024, including the work done on the implementation of the global indicator framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The report discusses the 2025 comprehensive review of the global indicator framework and presents proposals for the UNSC’s consideration and adoption.
The Expert Group conducted a review of the availability of data for all indicators in the Global SDG Indicators Database, following which four indicators met the criteria for being reclassified from tier II to tier I (6.3.2, 10.1.1, 17.5.1, and 17.18.1). As a result, as of November 2024, of the 231 unique indicators, 161 are now tier I indicators, 62 are tier II indicators, and eight are multi-tier indicators (different components of the indicator are classified in different tiers). According to the report (E/CN.3/2025/6), this is a significant improvement from before the 2020 comprehensive review. As of December 2019, of the 232 indicators, 116 were tier I indicators, 92 were tier II indicators, 20 were tier III indicators, and four were multi-tier indicators.
The report outlines the guiding principles, specific criteria, submission requirements, and the working process for the 2025 comprehensive review. The review follows the 2020 review and represents the second and final time the global indicator framework will undergo comprehensive review by the UNSC.
The Expert Group’s proposals for the 2025 comprehensive review to the Commission include: two proposals for the replacement of existing indicators; six proposals for the revision of existing indicators; and three proposals for additional indicators. These are annexed to the report.
The report also presents the activities and workplans of the working groups on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) and on geospatial information as well as the activities of the task team on sustainable tourism.
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