
Science Panel for the Congo Basin

Report of the first in-person meeting of its Scientific Steering Committee (Nairobi, July 2024).

This document provides a note for the record of the meeting proceedings, with a brief overview of decisions on the approach, structure, content, and processes for the 2025 Assessment Report.

It was produced by the SPCB Secretariat for the benefit of meeting participants and members of the SSC not able to attend in person.

This Nairobi meeting on 8-10 July 2024 constituted the first in-person meeting of the Science Panel for the Congo Basin since its official launch at COP28 in December 2023. It convened members of the Panel’s Scientific Steering Committee, as well as additional lead authors for the 2025 Assessment Report.

While not all members of the SSC were able to come to Nairobi, the turnout was high with a total of 24 participants, including scientists from all six countries in the Congo Basin: Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Republic of Congo. In addition, the scientists were joined by the recently appointed Special Envoy for the Panel, Dr. Lee White, and members of the Secretariat at SDSN.

For more information on the Science Panel, please visit its webside...